Buyer Information

We do the most rigorous due diligence on our suppliers in order to ensure that there is compliance and commitment to quality and service. Our reputation depends on it. Have a look at our 10 Cs partnership Test.

We recommend using our Request for Quote form on each Product Page as this feeds all your specifications directly into our order management system and the chances of errors are lower, and you get to track better how we are dealing with your request. 

You are most welcome. Use our Contact Us form. We will work on what you require and respond. We might even add what you need to our Shop.

Our Suppliers have their own minimum requirements. We will match your request with the most appropriate options. Depending on the product, we ourselves  usually deal with a minimum quantity of  1000 kg. 

We will investigate shipping to any destination. Packaging will depend on what our Suppliers currently do or are able to do specifically for you. Feel free to specify and we will pursue.

We offer a one stop service. Sourcing, contracting, logistics and post-sales support are managed by us. Its our job.

Supplier Information

As much as we welcome everybody, our choice of suppliers is based on rigorous due diligence (see our 10 Cs Test). If you fall short on some of the aspects we will advise you on how to address. Use our Supplier Portal to register with us.

You will get access to a global market within reach of the major role players (processors, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers). We will help you to strategise and market your products in effective ways. We will support you in meeting the requirements of buyers to ensure long-lasting and productive relationships.

You will need all your certifications, licences,  company registration and tax documents in the country of your registration. Additionally you will need proof of prior experience and testimonials from clients. For Details visit our Supplier Portal.

 Suppliers can set their own minimum volume limits.

Suppliers need to verify which destinations they are able to ship to within the laws of their own countries. Packaging will depend on what our Buyers require.  

Suppliers need to be experienced in and skilled at getting their products packaged and shipped. 


Still Have a Question?

Please feel free to enquire about anything you need further details on






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